The Mark
of the Beast Revelation 13
the Beast with the Number and the Mark
Ezra Celestin
Many Christian
denominations believe the prophecy points to the papacy as the beast.
However, in scripture, the Papal system has never been a beast, is
not a beast and will never be a beast. To call that system the beast
is to take the word of God on a very long stretch. This horn
functions both politically and as a Christian Church. It persecuted
and killed any Christian who disagrees with its dogmas. The word says
the Saints shall be given into his hand until a time and times and
the dividing of time and he would come to his end unto the end.
Nowhere in scripture is it indicated that this horn power will regain
its dominion to persecute the saints of God as it did for over twelve
hundred years. Then who is the beast? This book has the answer.
About the
Ezra does not
remember when he learns Revelation 14: 9-11; it seem like he has
always known it. Therefore he must have learned it at a very early
age. Giving him-self to the knowledge of the word of truth he
understood it is the duty of every person with reasoning power to
understand the revelation of Christ as found in Revelation 1: 1-3 and
Revelation 22:6,7. He also understood the path of the just is as the
shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
Proverb: 4:18. He understands that every Christian denomination has
their own interpretation of the prophecies of Daniel and of John in
the Revelation. Therefore he gave himself to pray asking the Holy
Spirit to teach him the word of truth and to reveal to him the
prophecies concerning the end times. As he studied he found what he
was learning was not quite in line with established doctrine and that
frightened him. It was then the Holy Spirit impressed upon his mind
and said, “Didn’t you asked me to teach you?”
Then he submits
to the will of the Holy Spirit not fearing the repercussion that may
come about by not falling in line with established doctrine. Ezra
believes before read this book, it is very important that time is
taken out to pray, giving the Holy Spirit permission to work within
that the subject is not rejected simply on the basis that is not how
the Church teaches it. Pray earnestly that the Holy Spirit gives an
open mind to embrace truth even if positions have to shift. The
receiving of the mark of the beast commands the wrath and indignation
of God; the consequences are severe; therefore the children of God
must not slight the prophecies of the end time.