Friday, February 27, 2015

Many Christians have accepted the Mark of the Beast

Throughout the Bible in prophecy Beast is symbolized as a Nation, kingdom or Empire. Therefore Beast in prophecy is in the political realm. As in Daniel 7:17 These four great beasts are four kings that will arise out of the earth.

1.   The lion with wings represented the Kingdom of Babylon (Daniel 7:4).
2.   The bear with three ribs in its mouth represented the kingdom Media and Persia (Daniel 7:5).
3.   The leopard with four wings and four heads represented the Kingdom of Greece (Daniel 7:6).
4.   The dreadful and terrible beast with ten horns represented the Roman Empire (Daniel 7:7).

More narrowly, these Beasts achieved and exercised positions of governance and organized control over a human community, particularly a state. These symbolic beast practice the distribution of power and resources within a given community. They make laws and exercised force, including warfare against adversaries. Whenever beast is mentioned in Prophecy it identifies the Nation represented and you can trace the acts of that nation/beast both in the Bible and history.

However, when it comes to the book of Revelation theologians have removed beast from the political realm of Nation, Kingdom and Empire and have placed it right in the middle of the spiritual realm.  Every beast in Revelation have a spiritual theme to it according to Bible theologians today. That is no accident, Satan has orchestrated this so that the children of God are totally confused and cannot discern the time. Christians ought to be able to discern the time, only then can they set a bulwark against the working of Satan. God cannot save his people in the adherence of error. Satan is using theologians, ministers and pastors of the word, so that the mark of the beast is not readily understood and that children of God receive the mark of the beast without knowing that they have.

Many Christians have already accepted the mark of the beast, unbeknownst to them. They do not have a clear vision as to whom or what the beast is.  However they will vehemently deny that they have accepted the Mark of the Beast.